Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I am convinced that we have a commuting rabbit, in our neighborhood...

We used to think that he (or she) had ADD, or some other such compulsion, that forced him (or her) to hop in exactly the same steps, every fresh snowfall. Probably while clucking, or hooting.

But lately, we've detected a relatively obvious pattern. As in a straight diagonal line through the back of our yard, along the side of the house, and down the road in front of our humble abode... Never a variation, just the same well-worn path in the snow.

So, from the past few months of carefree carousing, our neighborhood rabbit now is on a mission, or on a time clock. Hoppy leaves tracks in a singular straight(ish) line, day after day, well before sunrise. What sort of employer would require a graveyard shift hare, I wonder??? But then, I do tend to worry about the damnedest things anyway...

However (and this just came to me out of the blue), maybe our rabbit is a jogger??? It would make sense, and also explain those empty bottles of Gatorade beside the garage.

I'll just have to set up a video camera, to see if he (or she) is wearing work or leisure apparel. I must solve this mystery!!

Or hope that I get a life...

Chow for now!!

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