Tuesday, February 13, 2007

After attending a live concert the other night, we had to catch up on Sunday's TV schedule offerings via the modern-day miracle of a video recorder. Which I believe is a tiny silver box containing a very small person with a video camera. I could be wrong there...

At any rate, after an evening of fantastic live music, we fast-forwarded our way through Grease - You're The One That I Want, and most of The Grammies.

Grease had a few good performances, but I still wonder if they'll succeed in drawing in the youth viewers, who are likely completely unattached to the music of that play's era. Having seen a touring production of the play long before the big movie with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John was released, I can't understand why these current producer guys are so insistent on trying to find new lead actors that are too young to even have library cards. Could just be me...

As for The Grammies, well, watching what we have so far of that broadcast makes you wonder why Justine Tiggercake gets to perform THREE songs, but they don't have time to present awards in some of the biggest categories anymore. However, aside from the fare that Mr. Tumblelate offered, there were some good performances, and appropriate winners, so there may yet be hope for the show.

Although, no award for James Blunt?? Come on!!!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Although, no award for James Blunt?? Come on!!!!

    Oh I don't know he had a pretty nice award on his arms durign the red carpet ceremony. I think it went by the name of Petra.
