Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This is soooo depressing....

As you can see by the picture above, we had two tickets to see the legendary Godfather Of Soul, James Brown in concert tonight. We were just under three weeks away from finally getting to see The Hardest Working Man In Show Business, live.

We hadn't planned on seeing him, originally. We tend to take in a fair bit of stuff here in Calgary, and he was just one that had to slip through the cracks.

Until we saw a live presentation of DreamGirls, that features a charasmatic Brown-like character in the cast. After seeing the room get charged by a knock-off, we agreed we had to see the real thing. We were even lucky enough to still be able to get tickets.

Well, as you're probably aware, Mr. Brown passed away Christmas morning. Now all we have is these tickets...but I'd rather have had the chance to get to see him blow the roof off of the concert hall...

Chow for now!!

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