Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It generally takes me one full cup of morning coffee, before I feel confident enough to get online and begin one of these blog entries.

I know, some of you are saying - "Hey Dan, why not enjoy a second cup? We're in no hurry!" And I recognize that, but I still feel that the sooner I can get this out of the way, the sooner I can pencil in the few things I need to do before The Price Is Right starts...

However, there are days (I will confess) that topics are pretty hard to come by, after just one blessed cup of morning Joe. Like today, for example. I'm staring at the computer screen, and just can't seem to come up with a topic for today's blathering.

(Move The Penguins To Winnipeg, 2007 Quest!!)

I could probably discuss why I feel that Enrique Iglesias is one of the most under-appreciated vocalists of our time.

(Seriously. Pittsburgh has had a hockey team long enough. Move 'Em To Winnipeg...)

I could comment on how it would be really terrific if Whitney Houston could find her inner compass again, and bring back those soaring ballads she used to do soooo well...

(Wouldn't it be cool to have Bing Crosby's great-grandson playing hockey in Winnipeg??)

I could even comment on politics, aside from the fact that the average tree squirrel knows more about that than I do.

Well, something will come to me, at some point...

Chow for now!!

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