Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hello, humanoids!!

Your pal Charlie's back, and he's got a new gig!!

Yeah, I got hired by some turkeys (no relation) to be a fragrance model!! Go figure.

I had applied for the hand model job, but I DON"T HAVE ANY ARMS!!!!!! Just my pluckin' luck...

Oh yeah, before I forget, buy yourself a bottle of that Calvin Klein arm juice - it smells real good!!

So, last week I was wandering through Safeway, and I come across this display, up at the front of the store.

"Meals To Go", it sez. So, I pop my head into the display, and what do I see??


I say, I say boy:


And the bastards that did this cut off all their heads and arms, so you couldn't identify the corpses. I got my nekked bee-hind out of that place as fast as my little chicken legs could run!!

Next weekend - my guide to shopping at Extra Foods!!

Cluck for now!!

1 comment:

  1. If this blasted chicken doesn't have any arms, how does he keep making these posts???
