Thursday, December 14, 2006


Colds here in Calgary sure tend to linger....

Both Mrs. That Dan Guy (who should almost get equal billing here lately - a little too prolific on the responses if you ask me) and myself have had our first prairie colds in almost 15 years, and it is not a fun thing...

Pretty much every morning, I will arise with a sore throat, that eventually calms down after a couple of cups of coffee (much like Mrs. That Dan Guy...).

We have also gone through enough Kleenex in the last couple of weeks that we could sufficiently insulate any one of the Three Little Piggies homes, even the straw one.

Now, I know it sounds like I'm just being cranky, and you're probably right. But it did give me a couple of lines this morning, did it not??

And I didn't even mention a banjo!!!

Ah, crap, there it is....

Oh well, wattaya gonna do??? Vive Le Banjo!!!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    We are battling the same thing over here. Ghetto Guy got a doozie but used cold fx. It works great, everybody was telling us to get it but is a bit pricey.

    Gotta viva and viva

    p.s. good luck with your banjo quest, I shall keep an eye out in Las Vegas!

  2. Hey, win big there in Vegas!!

    Although, I still don't get how you hope to do that, playing "No-Limit Go Fish"...
