Friday, December 22, 2006


This one slipped completely below our radar....

Every Christmas, the best TV special we catch is Tom Jackson's "Huron Carol". Mr. Jackson is a Canadian actor, singer, and philanthropist, whose annual concert series helps fill food banks via donations. They are also consistently the best presentation of seasonal entertainment you will find.

Wel, I decided to hunt for it in advance this year, having missed the darn thing last time around. When I Googled the show, I discovered that after 17 years of touring Canada in support of this charitable effort, Tom retired it THREE years ago!! Aargh!!

I further discovered that he has replaced it with more intimate shows, called "Singing For Supper". When I saw the heading of Tour Schedule on his website yesterday, I hit the link, and discovered that Mr. Jackson was indeed coming to Calgary!

On Wednesday, the 20th.....we just missed him!!

Go to for more info on this project, and if you can, try to make it out to see him. You'll get an affordable night of exceptional entertainment, and you'll support a worthy cause...

That's my sermon for today!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    OH BOY!

    Okay, so I arrived home from work early today to begin our festive weekend plans. (Going to the Zoolites tonight, Heritage Park Christmas tomorrow) Aah, how wonderful, nice and relaxing, this is going to be good.
    I thought I would check the front stoop as I was certain something caught my eye as I pulled into the garage, other then the snowman we have out there.
    I opened the door and saw a long and heavy box and immediately thought "No, no way, this could NOT be a banjo".
    So, I turned around and there was "That Dan Guy" big grin and an exacto knife in hand, preparing to cut open said box.
    I cautiously opened it to see and there were many wrapped gifts inside. Wonderful you say?!
    Well, one of those wrapped gifts has an interesting shape and feel! Interesting I might add for one said "Mr.That Dan Guy"!
    I took very careful note of the return address on said box, the address being one of a certain business in Winnipeg, a certain business I am pretty sure a certain Brother-In-Law is very familiar with! Which also means a certain sister is equally guilty. (I mean familiar with).
    All I can say, is, if there is a banjo in one said package on Xmas morning, SOMEONE (AND SOMEONE WHO IS NO LONGER ANONYMOUS) IS GOING TO PAY! Oh, it may not be the next day, it may not even be the next month, but mark my words, SOMEONE WILL PAY!

    A fearful Mrs That Dan Guy.

    BANJO FOOEY 2007 lives on!

  2. Anonymous7:44 PM

    What art thou talking about sister moon?

    p.s. idle threats.........

    oh yeah, in keeping with my name.....BRING IT
