Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Perhaps you're like me, and wonder what Christmas would be like if Santa hadn't become the international symbol associated with this upcoming annual December holiday. Well, besides the little kid and his birthday, of course...

But for the purposes of today's ramblings, what if some other high-profile individual had become synonymous with the season?? Maybe Frosty, for example. I could probably live with having a jovial snowman in a top hat signifying Christmas. We already have more snowmen around the house than we do Santas, truth be told. Two of them are even animated, breaking into song and dance when you push their buttons.

Unlike Mrs. That Dan Guy, when I push HER buttons...

A bunch of elves, might work as Christmas ambassadors, but I'm not sure I like the idea of shifty little people sneaking into my house overnight, getting chimney dust all over my furniture, and getting into my liquor cabinet, while the milk and cookies little Billy left out for them goes bad...

Now that Glad garbage bag guy from the TV commercials wouldn't be such a bad choice, as he's already dressed all in white, kind of like the seasonal expectations (White Christmas). Although, he's gotta be getting pretty old by now, and may not be able to handle a big bag of gifts. Maybe I should be thinking of a retired pro wrestler???

Am I missing anybody?? Surely there must be a logical choice to replace Old Man Claus??

An inquiring mind wants to know!!

Chow for now!


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I thought a picture of the new Santa appeared beside Michelle Wright a couple of blogs ago?!!?!

    He has my vote.

  2. I must admit, that is the image most favored by myself, and now has TWO votes...

    Hey, wait a minute...you're not talking about the Banjo Claus,are you???

  3. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Banjo Clause...sounds like the making of another Christmas movie staring Tim Allen.
