Saturday, December 16, 2006

Our little holiday treat last night was the Michelle Wright Christmas show, and man, was it ever a treat!!

We've seen Ms. Wright perform live before, but last night we saw all the hits, along with much of her new album, "A Wright Christmas".

Which, by the way, is terrific. If you want just one new album for the holidays this year(unlike myself), this one would be my pick - a great blend of traditional arrangements, along with some smokin' remakes of other Christmas oldies. All with that trademark husky, smoky voice of hers...Aye Caramba!!

Looking at that picture though, over to the right there, I must say that even while sucking in my gut, it appears that I could still fit both Ms. Wright & Mrs. That Dan Guy into one of my pockets...maybe I should be thinking of a Jenny Craig Christmas...

Chow for now!!

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