Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm now on board!!

What was I waiting for??
Everyone, please support
Banjo Fooey 2006!!!!!!
(Banjo For Our 'Ome?? 'ell Yeah!!)
I should have known. My loving wife has supported me through so many other crazy schemes, she had to secretly be supporting my banjo quest. And, it turns out she was!! Just in code.
See, it turns out I remembered last night whilst lying awake in bed that she is part British/Scottish/Mr. Bean, something from overseas, and in a British accent, the clues just all unfolded. Between counting sheep, the letters of "fooey" revealed their true meaning, and now, dear readers, I can honestly say that there is cause to live, yet again!!! I'm sensing the surprise of a banjo this Christmas!!
I know that she has worked especially hard this time, to get me off the scent. All of her feeble protests just couldn't shake the nagging feeling that she really desired the sweet sounds of banjo in the house, just as much as I did. Well, now the truth is out, and God bless her, she sure did an admirable job of trying to rattle my confidence...
I promise this time won't be like when I wanted the Tony Robbins cassette tape system for ultimate success in life. Who even knows where those things are right now??
I vow to not make this banjo become the dog I ultimately dropped off at my parent's house permanently, after realizing they're just as much work to maintain as people...
This burning musical desire is nothing like the model train set still sitting in boxes, somewhere in our basement....
Banjo Fooey?? Amen, brother, amen!!!
Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Behind every Banjo...eerrrr man is a good woman.
    Be sure to pluck her strings on Christmas Day.
    The Banjo or the woman is for you to decide.

    God Bless Us Everyone!!!

    Miracles do happen.

  2. I can't believe I didn't catch on sooner...she's the best!!

    Like Tiny Tim (from Dickens, not the ukelele guy), I feel that Scrooge's heart has melted, and the sun will come out tomorrow!!

    Is that too many different references???

  3. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Oh brother! Pluck away, use all the miracle references you can get your hands on, Banjo Fooey means NO, NADA, AINT GONNA HAPPEN! Nice try Mr That Dan Guy, but there will be no miracles around here.

    - Mrs. That Dan Guy

  4. So, is that a definite maybe, or just no means yes???

  5. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Oh Man, he can be soooooo trying at times!

    Again, and I repeat for the last time Mister, NO means NO!

    Banjo It Ain't Gonna Be! (Hey that is a good pickin tune?!)

    Chow baby!

  6. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Dan, you need a kid in the house to give her those puppy dog eyes look.

    Perhaps I could rent you one for the next 11 or 12 days.

  7. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Hey I think Mrs. That Dan Guy is coming on board. She is softening the cockles(s) in her heart. She is even naming Banjo tunes in her posts. What a gal!!! What a peach ,eh Dan?

    I bet she'll even buy you a Banjo Songbook to put in your stocking.

    In the immortal words of Steve Martin. the Banjo is such a happy instrument. Who doesn't like a banjo.

  8. Sorry, we only view kids from behind the protection of a glass window...

    Although if the kid had really good puppy dog eyes.....

  9. Man, I have to pinch myself sometmies, she is such a peach. As peaches go, she is the peachiest peach in the bunch.

    If peaches are found in bunches...
