Saturday, December 30, 2006

I probably come across as one of those grumpy old farts, on occasion. Especially when it comes to drivers, here in Calgary.

While Calgarians can be some of the nicest people you will ever meet, there are some citizens here that defy description when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Wait, no, I take that back. They become complete morons...

I can back this up with having held THREE provincial drivers' licenses in my life so far. Moving from Manitoba to B.C. inspired a column that ended up in my book. Moving from B.C. to Alberta has inspired nightmares - we generally kiss the ground whenever we arrive where we're going, if we get there in one piece!!

Think I'm exaggerating? Take a little cruise around town during a snow storm here. The morning express train in Tokyo takes more precautions than the average driver here. Sure, a few people slow down, but they only provide an obstacle course for the turkeys that feel they still need to go 110 kms in a 60 km zone...

On her drive to work yesterday, Mrs. That Dan Guy decided that now, just to amuse herself, she would shout out "Hot Dog!!", every time one of these nitwits raced by. When she shared that with me, I liked it so much that we played the game on the way home from the shopping centre last night. We only live 15 minutes away, and got in SIX hearty "Hot Dogs!!" along the way. Poor driving conditions, and these 6 guys (or gals) would have passed the space shuttle during a launch...

Our word for the day: "Hot Dog!!"

Chow for now!!

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