Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I have been known to collect a few things over the years.

OK, I've been known to collect a LOT of things over the years. I see value where others see future landfill items...

It's a mild compulsion, which I've probably inherited from my mother, who never met a Harlequin romance novel she didn't like. I'm not saying she's been at it a long time, but the characters were all just schoolyard friends when she first started reading them...

At any rate, a bit of casual reflection on collectibles got me to thinking the other day...maybe this habit is a bit borderline absurd??

Take the real enthusisatic collectors, for example. These people will not even open what they've bought, for fear of losing future value, should someone makes a movie about their item. Look at how many people are laughing now, after collecting all those Lord Of The Ring Big Gulp cups!!

We recently bought a couple of new Christmas ornaments, matching Donald & Daisy Duck figurines, and the owner of the store just showed them to me in the box. He said most people don't want them to even get exposed to the air!!

Which got me to thinking...

How do you know as a purchaser of collectibles that you are even getting what you've bought, if you can't even open the damn box for fear of oxygen erosion to the product?? What prevents unscrupulous collectibles dealers from opening these packages, filling them up with pumpkin seeds, and selling them to blissfully unaware nerds and mama's boys (which thankfully I can say I'm totally not)??

What's to prevent a sports card dealer from prying open a package of hockey cards with the help of low-level gamma rays, then slipping out the actual cards, and putting in pictures of his family vacation?? If the purchasers never even open these things, the power of the collectibles dealer for abuse is staggering!!

Of course, I could just be blowing smoke out of my beehive here...

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Well, that "Mrs.That Dan Guy" needs to respond to this. I see hope where I have never seen it before. I quote: "maybe this habit is a bit borderline absurd??"
    This is all I saw in this entire blog this morning and I am clinging to this beyond belief! I must say some lines such as "I have been known to collect a few things over the years." and "It's a mild compulsion" are grossly understated! Just check out our basement. Oh yeh, you can't check it out, you can't SEE it, you can't even put a foot in it what with all the junk down there. (Oh,or should I say "valuable collectibles?")
    Let's make 2007 the Quest to End the Pack Rat. Hey, let's start by NOT adding to this "mild compulsion" by NOT adding a banjo fooey!
    Chow! (oops, did it again)

  2. Ahem...

    Well, when you have certain relatives of Mrs. That Dan Guy that come to visit, and leave even more of these "valuable collectibles' behind, who am I to try and find the power to resist???

  3. Anonymous10:39 AM

    As for me I am now official a "DUCK" store. No more cards for me, I have seen the light. Yes that's 24/7 all day and night Duck.
    Well how many other ducks are there?
    Me I prefer Daffy over Donald. I'm sure when it came down to it Daffy would turn Donald into a wavering mass of plucked feathers.

    Either way support our fine feathered friend the DUCK. will be the new web site URL and I know it will be a hit. I only need one customer and I know he'll keep coming back.
    That should be enough to keep me in fine linens for the remainder of my time on this frozen tundra.

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    How about that Mrs.ThatDanGuy eh folks? I think she really is the star here.
    Perhaps ThatDaynGuy can cut her in on the royalties. C'mon you don't really think he comes up with stuff all by himself do you?

    I demand more MrsThatDanguy or we'll pillage or boycott or whatever it is they do when it's minus 30 with a windchill that is colder than a nun's nether regions. (Can I say that on here) is this a Family Blog?
    Perhaps a petition will do the trick.

    If I get kicked off would it be considered to flogger a blogger or a floggin bloggin'?

    Come on people time to stand up and be counted: " MORE MrsThatDanguy :!!!!!!

  5. Damn my untreatable compulsion for all things Donald!!!

    And your other comment reminds me of that old joke:

    "It's alright to kiss a nun as long as you don't get into the habit!!"

    Finally, it appears that Mrs. That Dan Guy not only has more than enough time to try to quash my banjo aspiriations, she now finds time to diss me regularly.

    No respect, no respect at all....
