Monday, December 25, 2006

From the staff and management of "Such Is Life":

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

(Especially to those that celebrate the holiday. And, for family members missing those red socks this year, please enjoy the attached photo!!)
Just a quick posting this morning, before I run downstairs, add some Bailey's to my coffee, and begin the reveal of Christmas 2006. Will dreams come true, or will I find coal in my stocking?? Tune in to the picture gallery tomorrow, to find out. Assuming I can figure out the picture gallery...
To bring in the big day, we went out last night, to catch a pre-Xmas movie. We picked names out of a Santa hat, and ended up with Rocky Balboa. Good choice!! This is the last installment, and a terrific way to send the character out to pasture. Hopefully the lead actor as well...
If you've enjoyed any of the other movies, this one has a reflective tone that touches on some of the other movies, but brings the story to a satisying conclusion. Although, if I had one complaint, it would be that we didn't get to see enough of Bullwinkle...
Once we got back home, we watched the only Christmas movie I taped for this year, aside from Polar Express, which we had yet to watch (terrific!!). Santa Baby, starring...what's her name... the girl that's going out with Jim Carrey right now, and Norm from Cheers (as Santa).
Not the worst movie you'll ever sit through, but the cool part we discovered at the end was that it was filmed right here in Calgary!! The scenes of Santa Baby flying around downtown show very recognizable landmarks... Well, cool for us, I suppose...
Hope your day is a happy one!!
Chow for now!!

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