Monday, November 13, 2006

Still no luck getting my site here to look normal again. The profile and links are way down at the end of my postings. Quality control here at That Dan Guy is clearly marginal at best...

So, how is everyone's holiday shopping going so far?? Judging by retail displays, we should have started before Halloween. Most new displays I saw for this past October 31st event were tucked way back behind enormous Christmas decoration stacks, and the latest gizmos to celebrate Santa's arrival. Makes you feel like a procrastinator if you haven't already gotten busy hanging lights and mistletoe.

Do retailers really think that we might forget to do our annual pilgrimage to the malls? Or do they feel we now need more than just the 12 Days of Christmas to fulfill that trek?? When I'm debating real versus artificial trees with my neighbor in August, I think the holiday has maybe gone a little awry...

One problem I face every year is having the wherewithal to resist opening my wife's presents before Christmas morning. I've already opened her new Meat Loaf cd (the bat is back, third time's the charm!!), and I charged her cordless weed-wacker, just to ensure it works before the warranty runs out.

Chow for now!!

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