Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Jeez, I shoulda just stayed in bed this morning….

I awoke to the disturbing news today that Britney Spears and Mr. Britney Spears have filed for divorce. She is citing irreconcilable differences.

How irreconcilable can those differences be, for the love of all that is bright and shiny??

She’s a dancer, and Mr. Britney is a dancer.

She’s a singer, and Mr. Britney is a….

Well, OK, there’s at least one difference that just may really be irreconcilable!!

Hey! Our Flames won a game!!


If you want to weigh in on the great James Blunt Rocks/James Blunt Sucks debate, go back a couple of days and add your comments to that appropriate posting…


Hmm. This has suddenly become a potpourri today. “I’ll take Potent Potables for $200, Alex!”


If there’s a finite amount of lobsters in the ocean, will there be a restaurant chain simply named “Red” someday??


Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Yep couldn't sleep last night after hearing that.
    Actually the night before also as she made a cameo appearance on Dave and she looked hot. Nice gams!!

  2. I happened to catch that as well.

    And, as I am aware that Mrs. That Dan Guy reads this site occasionally, I will just say that I have no clue what you're talking about, but she was funny...

  3. Anonymous2:22 PM

    BTW do you have Britney's Phone number?

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Oh yeah James Blunt sucks!!

  5. I did a quick Google search, and it would appear that her number is:


    And, you've still got the Blunt...never mind...I get your point...
