Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I had a little tickle in my throat just before bedtime last night. Nothing to worry about I thought, just head off to bed...

Well, at 1:30 AM I awoke with a severely sore throat, and deep cough. Trying to lie back down, I couldn't breath. Swell!!

So, I got out of bed, and sucked on a Halls cough drop. That helped, but I still couldn't quit trying to clear my airway of what had developed into a medium-sized furball, with some unruly pieces of residual fur.

Downstairs I went, to make a cup of tea with honey, and two splashes of cough syrup for good measure. TV at 2:20 AM leaves much to be desired for anyone not interested in how to make $10,000 in just 4 days with no work yourself, or how to easily conceal male pattern balding.

I did set the VCR for that though...

I ended up reading some of Bob Newhart's exceptional new biography "I Shouldn't Even Be Doing This". But it was so good I was staying up, instead of trying to saw some logs in my warm and fuzzy bed.

Which I went back to at about 3:15 AM. However, my cough was still preventing me from sleeping, and now I had gone and woken up Mrs. That Dan Guy. Who advised me to try having some tea with honey before rolling over and trying to get back to sleep herself.

Up again, I had a second cup of tea, and alternated between hacking and chuckling. This Newhart book is just terrific... I think I did manage to fall asleep around 5 AM.

Anyhow, I sit before you today, bleary and weary. However I have a seminar to attend this afternoon, so sleep will have to wait until I get home later tonight.

At least the furball is a little smaller now....

Chow for now!!

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