Friday, August 25, 2006

Still undergoing twice-weekly physiotherapy for a recurrent impinged nerve in my neck, coupled with a touch of Badminton Elbow (tennis rackets are way too heavy). Getting better, but I still find myself hailing a cab while watching TV at night…

Given that I am such a prolific couch potato, I am at a loss to understand how I could impinge anything other than my belt size. The added Tennis Elbow issue is even more puzzling. Potato Chip Elbow might make a little more sense. My physio guy was almost too embarrassed to share with me the results of my initial assessment:

Regarding hand strength after a squeezing test, I would be ill advised to enter an arm-wrestling contest with Olive Oyl…
Regarding side-to-side mobility of my neck, if I were an owl, they’d have to put me down…
Regarding full-range movement of my arms, I can barely do the “Y” and the “A” in the classic “YMCA” dance routine...
Regarding overall physical condition for a man of my age, I have been deceased for 12 years already…

This is a little bit of sobering news, as I just assumed that once a world-class high-wire gymnast, always a world-class high-wire gymnast. There’s actual talk of my having to adopt an exercise program.

And, after the frankest discussion with him to date, the therapist sides with my wife - suggesting that even if I were allowed to buy a banjo, I’d barely be able to hold it long enough to strum. Boy, if you want to motivate somebody, press the right button…

So, I’ve got this weekend to get back into Navy Seal shape, after years of Circus Seal behavior.

Chow for now!!

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