Thursday, August 31, 2006

Potluck Day:

*Michael Bolton has a new cd out, “Bolton Swings Sinatra”. Is it possible that a cover album can be better than the originals?? I mean, the Bolton man can sing!!
*I’m still fretting about Mr. Ben Affleck’s brother, who didn’t enjoy his recent stay in Calgary. He even went so far as to say it was a truly boring town. I think you could parachute Paris Hilton into Willow Bunch Saskatchewan, and in short order she’d have the Pope sending in a moral damage control team, so what the heck did Mr. Ben Affleck’s brother miss in a city of a million people??
*I know that reality shows have to inject false drama to keep viewers awake, but last night’s Rockstar: Supernova decision to fire Ryan was a bit of a surprise. Personally, after seeing the band members debut three of their own original songs, I wouldn’t be so hasty to fire anybody that knew the words to a hit song…
*If you’re going to have a potluck day, you really should have a dish to serve…
*IKEA has a new catalogue out, boys and girls!
*Hey, there’s only 116 days until Christmas?? Man, I need to get busy!
*Can a Timex watch still take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’?? Who ever wanted to lick one anyway???
*Does anyone out there have any pull with CBS?? Their blasted US Open highlights broadcast after David Letterman are making me miss The Late Late Show, with Craig Ferguson. Entirely unacceptable. If I wanted to watch a bald guy swinging a racket, I’d put a mirror over our ping-pong table…
*Get your VCR’s ready, people of the world – “Celebrity Duets” is back on tonight! Still waiting for Dr. Phil and Robert Plant to take on “I Can’t Fight this Feeling”…

Chow for now!!

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