Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I’m hoping that today will harken the return of my normal blog, after several days of a wide space between the header and the content. From what I gathered, it was an IE issue, and didn’t show up on most Mac systems. I spent yesterday following my niece’s advice, and viewers throughout the day would have seen several versions online, until I settled on one last night that seems to be working.

Until today’s posting…cross your fingers!!

So, ladies and gentlemen of the free world, today I must beg your assistance in a matter of grave importance. This surpasses even my own personal banjo quest in scope of global magnitude…

Over the years, the world of entertainment has provided me with much joy, and entertainment, which I think is appropriate enough, given the word’s meaning.

However, along with those treasured memories, there have been misfires. I know that I’m one of the few human beings on the face of this earth that cannot stomach even the commercials for American, Canadian or Octopus Idol.

In the 70’s, I had to endure the DiFranco Family, and The Osmonds. During the course of the wide musical spectrum of the 80’s, I endured “musicians” like Ric Astley. I won’t even get started on the last few years of Britney Spears and Yanni…

However, all of those musical scourges pale in comparison to what is arriving in music stores now…

As you may already be aware, Paris Hilton is adding recording star to her resume. I’m assuming in advance that she will be as competent a singer as she is an actress, and that scares the bejeebers out of me. To the best of my knowledge, there’s only one movie of hers that’s had more than 12 viewers, and that one didn’t run in national movie chains.

I’m getting too old for this crap. I mean really, can’t we have ANY standards for who can buy time is a recording studio?? Didn’t we already give David Hasselhoff a chance??

People, stand united with me here. Avoid the impulse to buy this impending blither. Aren’t compact discs endangered?? Should shrink-wrapping really be put through the embarrassment of protecting something that should be given out free at a fast-food drive-thru?? For the love of Pete, leave this one on the shelves…

Chow for now!!


  1. Of course, I am the same guy that recently went to see Air Supply in concert...

  2. Anonymous9:16 PM

    For the love of all deities, DO NOT GIVE HER ANYMORE MONEY!!!! Instead donate the 20$ to charity, or spend the time you would have spent listening to the cd at a Soup Kitchen.

  3. But what if she gets the same treatment as poor Tori Spelling???

    How do people get by on just a few million dollars?? Do you know how expensive chihuahua grooming is these days??

  4. As yet, I have resisted the siren call of this young songstress, unlike herself, who recently heard sirens while (alledgedly) driving a wee bit drunk...
