Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Awoke this morning to the news that gas prices are going to jump again. Seems one pipeline closure in Alaska requires a massive hike in prices at the pump, likely to ensure that the poor oil barons don’t have to cut back on stretch Hummer rides to their stockbroker’s office.

I’ve also read that the price hikes are a reaction to “possible” shortages in supply. Boy, we’d better hope that potatoes don’t have a bad year. I can’t imagine paying $125.00 for a biggie fries…

Personally, I think we’re getting poked by the oil companies. You can’t blame the gas stations – they just react to the market prices. If the market prices allow some sheik in an oil rich country to build an NHL arena in one wing of their home, the price at the pump unfortunately has to escalate a tad.

There’s also a growing theory that we need to get away from our worldwide dependence on fossil fuels, which may be why the producers are madly trying to extract as much from our wallets as they do from the ground. They really shouldn’t worry about that happening anytime soon. The research for alternate fuels is advancing at about the same rate as a cure for freckles.

I’m sure the major automobile manufacturers are assisting those trailblazing scientists in their attempts at finding a low-cost fuel for the thousands of SUVS now sitting in sales lots across North America. How expensive could it possibly be to retrofit a motor to run on grass clippings??

Oh well, at least this should finally put to rest that wacky theory we consumers have, the one about how the oil companies always spike the prices just before long weekends and/or summer. Now, every time the price of lobster pancakes goes up, we’ll be digging into OUR pockets at the gas station…

Chow for now!!

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