Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Big day in Boston yesterday.....

My wife and I got an early start to our day, having breakfast in our hotel here at the Omni Parker House. This restaurant has seen its fair share of history, boasting Malcolm X as a former busboy, and Ho Chi Minh as a former pastry chef. It also happens to be where John F Kennedy proposed to Jackie. I think a couple of recent American Idol contestants will be future waiters there...

From breakfast, we rushed off to the Government Center, to catch a subway to Prudential Center. Are there no Middles here??

At Prudential Center, we took a 90-minute "duck" ride, on a World War II amphibious vehicle. That was a total hoot, although ducks don't technically hoot. Had lunch at a restaurant chain called Legal Seafood - no illegal lobsters crossing the border for that joint's customers...

We followed lunch up with a view of Boston from the 50th floor of Prudential Tower's Sky-Walk attraction. I could have swore we were only on the 49th storey, but still, why quibble...

Zipping back to our hotel room, we caught our breath before we had dinner, and caught a pre-4th of July Fife & Drum concert, in the courtyard of Old City Hall. Made me wish I had taken my high school fife lessons more seriously... This is one historic burg to spend catching the Independence Day holiday!!

We closed our evening with the free dress rehearsal of The Boston Pops, on The Espalanade. There was a sea (no pun intended) of people doing the same thing, and we got treated to what the world can view tonight, on national TV. Dr. Phil and his wife hosting, plus guests like one of those aforementioned American Idols singing the national anthem. Also Rockapella, and Steve Tyler & Joe Perry doing a couple of huge Aerosmith hits. Absolutely surreal.

More to come!!

Chow for now!

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