Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest owes me a new back…

We attended a screening a weekend or two ago, when we discovered a theatre in our new neighborhood. However, hundreds of other people were doing the same thing (attending the movie, probably not exploring a new neighborhood). Which meant that by the time we patiently snaked our way through a lengthy lineup at the concession stand, and made our way into the movie, we had no other option for seats aside from the very front row. Thank God it wasn’t an Imax movie…

Anyhow, we settled in, and after about the first hour, I could feel a little pinching sensation in the small of my back – a bit of an oxymoron that, given my size…

The crab-like pinching started to grow from a guilty pleasure to downright uncomfortable, which caused me to squirm frequently in my seat. By the end of the first couple of hours, I was sitting like a fireplace poker, with my legs sticking straight out into the void in front of our front-row seats.

When the movie ended, we headed out, and I felt like my back was maybe a little sore, but nothing to write home about (although I did drop a short note in the mail). Until the next morning, when I tried to get out of bed... That’s when a spasm not unlike a flaming arrow entering my lower back at a pretty high speed made me double over like I was trying to sneak into a high society cocktail party without an invitation.

Hunched over, I had to hobble my way over to the bathroom, just to see my face in the mirror, indicating the level of pain I was enduring, which was sharp.

Over the next few days, and several back and muscle pills, I regained some limited use of my back, but still felt a lot like a fairly drunk Herve Villechaize doing the Limbo at a summertime poolside party.

Today, I’m starting to feel better, but I’m cursing Jack Sparrow, and the rest of his scurvy pirate crew. Although I’m a little less miffed today, after winning $100 at the casino last night…

Chow for now!!

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