Sunday, July 23, 2006

My lettuce is wilting…

Every once in a while, we try and introduce “real foods” into our diet. Just to keep the chocolate and pretzels confused, my wife and I will have a handful of carrots. If I get really serious, I’ll buy a batch of lettuce. The lettuce will then be entirely forgotten in some refrigerator drawer, until it begins to do a pretty decent impression of a tree in fall –limp brown leaves slowly croaking in the cold…

There are theories out there that humans are supposed to be vegetarians by nature, but being raised on meat and potatoes myself, vegetables are pretty much window-dressing for the plate, to curiously sample between forkfuls (hey, forkful must be a real word!! Spell-check didn’t highlight it…go figure) of succulent beef. I know that potatoes are technically a vegetable, but seriously, they get a free pass, being such a perfect compliment to meat. The versatile potato: bake it, boil it, mash it, mmm-mmm-good!!

This time of year, when the mercury lingers above 30° C, I tend to get brief yet compelling urges to try and eat more (allegedly healthy) vegetables. Especially a salad. However, even if we have a tasty Caesar salad one day, it could be weeks before I remember that poor head of lettuce in the crisper. Unlike Kraft Dinner, lettuce is entirely wimpy in its ability to “keep” until the next time we crave it. Is this some kind of prefabricated plan by farmers, so that we are forced to return again and again to the market, to pay a king’s ransom to the vegetable producers, once our lettuce has spoiled??? I may need to Google this, and find out the facts!!

Chow for now!!

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