Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Every time I hit a key on my keyboard, a letter or something appears here on this screen... If I hit enough keys, I get sentences. Not exactly what the average person might call coherent, but sentences nonetheless!

So, if this theory of mine is correct, I just have to keep pressing keys, and eventually I might actually write something. A sonnet perhaps, or something that might pass as prose? Given past experience, more likely just a steady supply of blither, but who am I to say??

Yes, it's indisputible. Every freakin' time I tap the keys, all these little black letters continue to line up, until they make their way to the end of the page. Then they automatically start a new sentence below the first one. Already I can look back and see three paragraphs of varying length. Four if I include this current one.

Now five, but this is really a short one.

I'm hoping it doesn't become too evident with this lecture of discovery that I awoke with bupkiss to write about, but I think I may have cleverly dodged that bullet. I guess we'll see..

Instead of these scientific pursuits, I should spend my time a little better. Like maybe trying to figure out how to spell bupkiss...

Chow for now!!

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