Thursday, June 29, 2006

I am such a pathetic creature of habit...

Ever since I was a kid, morning after morning, I have had toast with peanut butter and honey for breakfast. Occasionally, peanut butter and jam, but more often than not - honey. Day after freakin' day... I've seen more peanut butter than Skippy the squirrel.

I did go through a very short phase of yogurt and muffins, but within a week I was back in my toasty comfort zone. Boring, but comfortable. My wife's hopes for morning variety were dashed on the shoals of a loaf of bread.

It's not just breakfast that indicates my devotion to regular habits. Once I get hooked on a particular TV program, that show will then occupy my time, until the series ends its run. I still watch Growing Pains, although it is getting harder to find new episodes.

I read my newspapers the same way, each and every time. My habit there is to sort out all the different sections, then skim those that don't interest me, saving my favorites for the last. This is similar to what many motivational speakers will suggest you do - get through the worst part of a task, before you do what you enjoy most.

I don't think those speakers had reading the comic strips last in mind when they put forth their theory...

Chow for now!!

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