Wednesday, June 21, 2006

How has this come to transpire?? When did I become a regular defender of animal rights (so to speak...) in these postings?? Why oh why did I ever mention PETA?????

It probably all started with some innocent comment, some months back. I'd have to go through the archives to determine exactly where my writing vessel hit the shoals.

Regardless of the cause, I now find myself (in this blog) regularly defending my day-to-day actions against what might seem to some as cavalier to our animal brethren. I am in fact a friend to the furry! A pal to the pawwed!! A good chum to the wood chucks, chucking their wood as they do!!!

Holy crap, even I don't know what that last paragraph is supposed to mean...I need to start spending more time in the "real world". Like maybe watching some reality TV...

If nothing else, PETA gets a free plug every time I mention them, although they might not see it as such a positive association. If readers of this blog actually think that I'd carry a hockey stick while out hiking, just to pummel innocent critters, I could end up wearing that electronic leg bracelet again. My dog could end up leashing me!!! Egads...

It's probably all my own fault. I throw this stuff out daily for (alleged) comic purposes, but I can see where some people may be able to detect an entirely different pattern of sorts. Folks, I can say with all honesty that (some of) this stuff is completely fabricated, from an imagination that clearly needs more outside stimulation. It is never meant to be taken seriously, and somehow I feel extremely confident that most (two or three, anyway) readers would never mistake this tomfoolery for evidence that could be submitted to a panel of behavioral psychologists...

So, I hope this clears up any concerns or confusion. Personally, I feel more confused than ever. Oh well, it'll give me something to reflect on, as I give my goldfish their weekly bubble bath...

Chow for now!!

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