Friday, June 02, 2006

Cooking With Dan, Episode 13
Today: Salt & Vinegar Chips

Have you ever found yourself getting tired of the same old boring prefab Salt & Vinegar potato chips available in supermarkets everywhere?? I know that I do, and today I'd like to share an old family recipe, which will allow you to enjoy fresh, tasty potato chips - with just a few simple steps!!

(Eat your heart out, Rachel Ray...)

So, to prepare for the fabrication of this surprisingly simple treat, just make sure that you have the following items in your possession:

a) one bag of plain potato chips,
b) one medium container of vinegar,
c) salt (optional),
d) a plastic bag, preferably a zip-lock style,
e) a dishcloth or roll of Bounty paper towels - for any (unlikely, but entirely probable) accidents,
f) a clean, large glass bowl,
g) a can of Orange Crush soda, the perfect compliment to a bowl full of fresh Salt & Vinegar potato chips,
h) apron (optional, if one exercises caution during prep work).

OK, if you have all your ingredients and other items ready, let's begin:

Step One: Open the bag of plain potato chips, and pour about half (18 hearty pinches) into the zip-lock plastic bag. Reseal bag of potato chips with Scotch tape, or clothespin.

Step Two: Apply approx 2 teaspoons of vinegar to plain chips in zip-lock bag, or continue applying vinegar until all chips appear shiny. Your own preference should dictate the amount of vinegar, but I find personally that 12 tablespoons is slightly excessive... Should you determine it necessary, add a couple of shakes of salt.

Step Three: Seal plastic bag, and shake. Shake shake shake. Shake your booty.

Sorry, just shake the plastic bag.

Step Four: Set the bag aside, to allow the marinade to set. This might be a good time to play a short game of Solitaire.

Step Five: After about 7 - 12 minutes, pour the contents of the bag into the large glass bowl.

(Note: The time to allow between preparation and enjoyment will be determined by your own "taste". A shorter time means your chips will be more tender (soggy), a longer time will stiffen the product up)

Dispose of the used plastic bag. It may appear to be slightly gross.

Step Six: Crack open that icy cold can of Orange Crush, grab your bowl of fresh Salt & Vinegar potato chips, and enjoy another exciting episode of Deal Or No Deal.

Salut!! Bon appetit!

Chow for now!!

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