Monday, May 01, 2006

What's all this fuss about filing? I have a system that works perfectly fine for me, even though there's somebody else in this joint that may not be as sold on it as I am...

Pictured here is my inbox - just a few of the things I need to tackle, should read over, or maybe even (God forbid) discard.

However, this simple and effective filing system allows for all of those tasks, just as easy as pie. No color-coded filing tabs, no neatly printed filing labels, just a stack of paper and other various office debris. Believe it or not, I know exactly where anything is, in that haystack.

Although, this could also be where my income tax for 1997 is hiding...wattaya gonna do??

Today I need to sort through this stack, as I will do periodically throughout the year. This keeps the stack and its contents fresh in my mind, and for my generally ho-hum lifestyle, it can be almost like living on the edge - will I get a papercut, or will I make it through the pile safe and sound yet again??

Oh, I know what you're thinking. Dan, for the love of God, go out and buy yourself a filing cabinet. Well, Mr. or Ms. Know-It-All, I already have at least four. That would require organizing this...uh..this...unique system, and I'd never be able to find anything. Plus the filing cabinets are greats to hold snacks for when hunger pangs gnaw away at me...

There you have it folks, my tip for the day. For more information on this simple yet effective filing solution, feel free to send off a note to this blog.

I'll put your e-mail on the top of that pile...

Chow for now!!

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