Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Jiminy Cricket!! I ask you again, how do I get myself into these pickles??

I had an appointment yesterday with a "certified specialist in endodontics". Not exactly sure what that is, but I have a pretty strong hunch that it may be layperson code for a dentist that earns more than the average American oil baron.

I was sent to see if they could determine (caution, pun alert...) the root problem of my throbbing molar. Aside from agreeing with me that it would be a way cool name for a rock band, I have to say this fellow wasn't much more effective than my original doc. We are tentatively proceeding with treatment via "educated guess". I'm no doctor, but isn't that kind of like playing eenie-meenie-miney-moe??

That wouldn't be such a bad proposition if it wasn't for the fact that I will lose all sensation in my right cheek for at least half a day, and there will be no guarantee that this tooth is the actual cause of my throbbing.

On top of those considerations, this lovely little afternoon out will extract from my wallet about the financial equivalent of a fully-loaded, top of the line new laptop computer, or cost me just under a half a tank of gas in my Austin Mini. So my dilemma is, do I just learn to chew on the other side of my mouth and get that new Dell, or do I sell off one of my livers on e-Bay, and settle down the sensitive little toothy once and for all?

How do I get myself into these pickles???

Chow for now!!

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