Friday, May 05, 2006

Is my face red, and not just from walking up a flight of stairs!!

I was recently caught in a little white "artistic license", here in my daily blog.

A couple of days ago, I posted a commentary on my filing system, or the clear and apparent lack thereof. I even posted a picture to illustrate my technique, or lack thereof. I then posted a different commentary a couple of days later on the stringent filing system of my supposed record collection, most specifically the dastardly P. Diddy, who just can't stick with one name for more than a week. Chameleon diva...

That brought about a response from a reader, who (rightfully so) wondered which of the two postings was truthful.

Well, the lesson I learned here is that if you're gonna play in Texas, ya gotta have a fiddle in the band, but also if you're going to expose your actual horrific filing practices to the global community, one of your next columns should NOT be about how you file your record albums, when "sort" in your home is clearly spelled S-T-A-C-K.

So, the big question is, was I "artistic licensing" about my poor filing abilities, or was I "artistic licensing" about organizing records or cds??

Well, with the pictorial evidence of the first posting, I would say there's about a 1000% chance that even Perry Mason couldn't get me acquited on those charges. Therefore, I plead guilty on that matter.

However, even though I am clearly the world's worst filing filer, I DO have my cd collection in alphabetical order. Which I why I resent Mr. Diddy, or Mr. Daddy and his interchangeable moniker choices.

So, in future, I will either space these glaring contradictions further apart, or I will "artistic license" a little better.

Thank you...

Chow for now!!

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