Monday, May 29, 2006

Good Monday morning to you!! (stalling technique...clearly no muse today)

I sure do hope that all is well wherever you may be today... (oh boy, sucking up now. What's next??)

It's been rainy out where I am, these last few days... (grasping at straws that obviously do not exist...)

Makes me think about that old joke, about how it must be raining cats and dogs, because I just stepped in a poodle!! (Oh my God...leave now, while you still can. He's lost it today....)

The rain is OK - it is springtime after all, and the greenery does needs nutrition... (Mr. Science now?? Egads!!)

Still, it would be nice to get a little bit of sunshine...("And, they're coming to take him away, hee hee ha ha...")

Hey, I see The Sopranos is off for awhile. They had some ballroom dancing documentary instead, last night. Like THAT'S going to replace The Sopranos... (hey, you're typing up this crap instead of a blog...don't be throwing stones in your glass house, Fuzzball...)

Well, I need another cup of coffee, think I'll pack this one in early today.

Chow for now!!

(Merciful Saints, we offer our thanks to you...)

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