Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Am I the only one here that has sufficient time on hand to be worrying about killer butterflies??

We already know that there are killer bees out there, so what really prevents butterflies from going homicidal??

For one thing, butterflies are 10 times the size of your average bee, so if these guys formed gangs and developed attitudes, we'd all be in serious trouble...

Oh sure, they can look innocent enough - with their fluffy little wings, and gentle summertime floating about the yard. But Monarchs already have exotic tattoos on their wings, and they my friends are downright benign compared to some of the freakish ones around the world that we aren't even familiar with yet. South America boasts butterflies big enough to lift off with a weiner dog in tow!!

AmI just being a Chicken Little?? According to, there's a butterfly in the Brazilian rainforest called the Sulpher Brimstone. They probably prefer their Chicken Littles with a little Sweet & Sour barbeque sauce...

Why in God's name am I looking at a website about butterflies, you might well ask??

Hey, an ounce of prevention...

Chow for now!!

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