Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Hey, do you ever find yourself wondering about whatever might have happened to those famous Budweiser buddies? You couldn't get away from them at one time, now....nothing!! I imagine they still probably call each other up, to find out maybe wuzzup, wouldn't you figure? Perhaps it's just me...

Spring has arrived without question, here in my neck of the woods. It has probably arrived in other body parts as well, but I try not to peek at Mother Nature. That wouldn't be right.

Anyhoo, on the matter of spring, I have cast aside my winter jackets in favor of a lighter windbreaker, although it doesn't breath very well, so I end up sweating like a yak whenever I wear it. May have to consider spending more than eleven dollars on my next piece of outerwear...

Washed my Jeep today, filthy beast that it was. I still don't know why so many people favor the wand wash, over a touchless, sit-on-yer-arse drive-thru. Whenever I use the wand wash, I clean myself as much as my vehicle, and no matter how shiny it is when soaking wet, it inievitably dries as if I only hit certain portions of the body, leaving muddy streaks all over.

Ugh. There must be some secret. Until I discover it, I had better stick to the drive-thru.

Chow for now!!

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