Thursday, April 13, 2006

I do enjoy me a good game of golf now and again. I just don't ever seem to play one..

I think to get the maximum enjoyment out of a round of golf, a person may want to play more than five or six games a year. That could be the difference between breaking 100 on 18 holes, as opposed to midway through the front nine.

I was out on the course yesterday, and ended up around my typical 100+/- (125), but with only 2 games so far this year, I can only get better, right?

Sadly, I started the round out like I was wearing a full body cast, improved to about the level of a 97-year old with depth-perception issues, and fell completely apart by the last three holes, escalating sequentially from hockey stick , to snowman, to average-speed-per-kilometre-in-a- construction-zone, for those familiar with golf lingo.

Of course, one can always hit the driving range, and Lord knows I've literally done that during the course of whacking a bucket of balls. But I personally find it boring as all get up and go to hit ball after ball without getting into a golf cart once in a while, just for the change of scenery at least.

In retrospect, maybe it's not the fault of my skill level at all here. It could be that bad habit our group has of combining "good hits" and high fives with hearty slugs of cold beer...

Chow for now!!

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