Saturday, March 18, 2006

Day Two, Blogger-At-Large.

Well, yesterday was a bit of a frustrating day, as I did a complete overhaul of my website. First time in two years, so more than a little embarassing. Of course I may have been a little gunshy after the last time, when I lost my entire site!!

Now I'm pretty sure that it's up and running, and about as current as an amateur like me can make it. Sure, it may not have fancy features like a design template newer than 1987, but it seems to get the message across, and that's all I can ask. One day I really do need to read that Front Page manual...

Thus begins my new life as a former Realtor, now wading into the uncharted waters of becoming a full-time writer. Not even one that can rely on some sort of income stream, like a features writer, or other such logical choice. No, my intent is to write humor, and humor alone. I've stockpiled several cases of Kraft dinner, and hope to be able to survive until at least April, May the latest. If nothing else, this will jumpstart my dieting program...

Actually, a writer just needs to write, and this blog alone is two consecutive days of doing just that, so I'm feeling pretty darn good right now.

More to come!! Chow for now...

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