Thursday, March 23, 2006

Car chase and coyotes....

What a day yesterday, on the tv news stations.
My wife and I were sitting in a little bar having a late dinner, and suddenly the whole place came alive, thanks to a wild car chase in the Anaheim area. This guy was inventive - blazing into clear spaces the average driver couldn't do at regular speeds.

At one point, even the staff from the bar's kitchen had come out to watch the pursuit. Maybe it's just me, but if someone runs amok like that, and endangers lives, why can't they just equip the helicopters tracking the moron with handy bazookas, for when there's a clear shot?? The vehicle is insured, isn't it??

On a related note, and pretty much at the same time, a far-smarter coyote in Central Park was leading authorities on a similar chase, but with no threat to innocent civilians. After a pretty entertaining run, including a swim, he was tranquilized, and will be relocated to the wild. I've got far more sympathy for the coyote...

Chow for now!!

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