Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ringo Starr - Some History, and New Release Today!

My latest column of my Calgary Herald blog reflects on Ringo's first solo recording (45 years ago this month!!), catching him live in Las Vegas a few weeks ago, and mentions his new album, Postcards From Paradise, now out and available in iTunes.



Monday, March 30, 2015

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger, and Jenny Craig dropout Charlie Chicken..)

O pounds??


How'z a berd suppozed ta looze wait if he ain't weighin' nuthin'????


Ah had better start gainin' me sum wait PRONTO!!

No wonder Monkey Knuckles iz only runnin' mah posts at his leezure - ah'm a wisp of that berd ah used ta be!!


So much fer them theo-rees that suggist that ya gain wait with too much beer drinkin' !!


Pour me anuther, Bartender!!

Well, ah had better git sum sustenance in me, stat. Forthwith! 

Ah cood blow away in a strong breezes!!!

Pluck me....

Cluck fer now!! 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Latest Presentation From Front Row Centre Players

Front Row Centre Players
"Jesus Christ Superstar"



Saturday, March 28, 2015

Spark Tour - Oliver Swain, Emily Braden & Ben Sollee

The Calgary Folk Club
Oliver Swain, Emily Braden, Ben Sollee
"The Spark Tour"

Ben Sollee

Ben Sollee

Emily Braden

Oliver Swain

Emily Braden

Oliver Swain

Live now in my Calgary Herald blog - read my review of the show last night!



Friday, March 27, 2015

Calgary Concert Opera Company Offering Cosi Fan Tutte Through Weekend!

This piece as well went live after I left for the day yesterday morning.

Calgary Concert Opera Company's Barbara King answered a few questions about the company itself, and their latest production.

NOTE: I made an error about the Philharmonic, which they will be working with soon in another production.  



Dope Soda's Bottle Drive Tour Coming Through BC/Alberta

This went live yesterday, so I only had a chance to Tweet out a link, rather than post here, which is why I am now redirecting you to my feature preview and interview with one of the band members from Nanaimo-based ska rockers Dope Soda.

Based on video previews before the interview, these folks look to offer a great live show, and have a few dates over the next while in our neck of the woods.

Check out my Calgary Herald blog feature here.



Real Estate Photography - Is That A Haystack??

Even now, I joke about my photography skills online here with my Flawtography series of posts. Sure, I can suggest to you that it's a picture of Neil Young, but he looks much more like a grainy image of a bowl of soup...

That "skill" didn't always help when I was in the real estate business.

I share recollections of that lack of clarity in my latest REM humour column.



Thursday, March 26, 2015

Need To Start Writing Things Down

Mrs That Dan Guy and I were having dinner out last night, and I started to joke about something that she mentioned.

We both had an "Oprah A-Ha Moment", thinking that would be a great book.

Can't think of it today for the life of me...



Wednesday, March 25, 2015

This Friday, Calgary Folk Club: Oliver Swain, Emily Braden, Ben Sollee

The wait is over - my piece was published yesterday morning.

Click here for a link to my preview of this weekend's Calgary Folk Club, and listen to the audio podcast interview with Oliver Swain!



Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My Life In Waiting

This business of having to wait for other blogs to go live to post back to is getting old.

As am I , waiting in the wings.

As are these posts, waiting for decent content to recirculate.

Waiting, waiting....


Later!! I suspect a bonus post when I'm able - if and when that feature article gets published.

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Brief History of Light

Way back in time, all was once very, very dark.

Then someone turned on a light.

It was very illuminating, and the practice remains popular to this day.

Thank you.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Bonus Post: Ringo Starr review with pics....

Here's a little bonus post, my review from my other blog space of Ringo's last tour stop until his recently announced new dates - read it here!

Front Row Centre Players re-Imagine Jesus Christ Superstar

I won't take a lot of time here, as my preview and director interview is live now in my Calgary Herald blog - check it out here!


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger, Charles D. Chicken...)

Man, mah pecs iz surely deefined lately - like a Greek god or sumthin!!

Charlie Atlas!!


Ah feel like this piktchur cood  be a Men's Health magazeen covir, ah looks sew virile an sexy!!


Mebbe without that ciggerette......

Utherwize, ah'm almoss Tha Man Uv Steel, with tha turn uv mah shoulders, an that cleft in mah chin.

I shoorely cood have fun with me sum X-Ray Vision, lemme tell yah!!


Ah might need tah git mah knees done tho, if yah needed me tah go leepin' over tall bildins...

Gotta run, mah cape is just comin' out uv that dryer...

Cluck fer now!! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Let Your Guard Down For ONE Minute...

This usually happens to Mrs that Dan Guy, but this time, I have taken to the the sick bay after our ever-so-brief getaway.

Got no sleep a night or two ago, which was the perfect breeding ground for a head cold. So, despite the best laid plans and a bunch of commitments, I am likely to take a very low profile this weekend.

Kleenex, look out! I will huff, and I will puff!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Environment Is Important To Us

Dear Hotel Guest,

At Stayus Expensivus, the environment is very important to us. Looking around, you may find that hard to believe, but it truly, truly is. We love the environment. Air for sure. Earth, to a lesser degree. Fire, not so much. Especially here on the 99th floor...

Water is where we are really at, environment-wise.

Please help us in those efforts, especially with our water conservation efforts. Linens and towels will be replaced upon departure or if placed on the floor after multiple uses, including (and only after repeatedly used) as an after shave or shower drying aid, or to clean up coffee maker overflows.

If you are required for any reason to soak up a large pool of blood, please reconsider leaving the towel on the floor afterwards. A quick rinse and it should be as good as new.

If you are needing to swat horseflies, again we ask that you rinse the towel in the sink, let it dry, and continue to use the towel during your stay.

In the unlikely event of migrating moths during feeding season, it is recommended that you keep your towels handy, under your bedsheets, until such time as the imminent threat has passed.

While this may seem quite egregious as a requirement of your stay, we simply cannot condone the highly excessive use of clean towels, much like you choose to do at home.

I respect that it may seem a bit of a contradiction, given that we bring large glasses of ice water for your meals, even Dumbo couldn't finish those king-sized pitchers in one sitting. We still care about water, the environment, and conservation. please do not harm elephants during our stay.

We are also quite aware that the water features that run throughout our entire resort might appear to present an illusion of waste, but let us make it very clear - we churn those waters as long as they remain fluid, and then capture the waste in shot glasses which we donate to emergency animal shelters for homeless hamsters.

Again, thank you in advance for your consideration of our request - we, and the environment of our Cayman Island bank accounts thank you...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Taking My Blog To Chuck E Cheese, Happy 9th Year, Blog!

Well, as I was away the past few days I was out of my daily routine and missed my reminder - my blog turned 9 yesterday!

March 17, 2006

With a post referring to how this space was going to replace a daily writing exercise called "Morning Papers", I hit the ground standing still, and moved slowly towards making this a place to try and attract reader to my humour, and diarize my ongoing goings-on.

It took quit a while to develop any sort of following...

March 17, 2007

Somewhere along the way, our lives here in The Such Is Life household were forever altered by the arrival of the cantankerous, classless rubber chicken that came to be known as Charlie, the weekend guest blogger, although he does get bumped from time to time with other things that come up. It is very appropriate, given his peccadilloes, that the anniversary generally falls on St. Patrick's Day...

March 17, 2008

In 2008, I finally caught on to the trend that this blog had survived for three years, and back at that time, every day - rain or shine, travel or dull home life in front of the TV on the sofa, the blog was posted routinely. There have only ever been two or three days in 9 years where I have missed posting, and that was usually due to something far more important going on in our lives. Plus one time I just plum forgot...

March 17, 2009

In 2009, I posted from the road, and in what should be no big surprise to anyone that knows us, from Las Vegas. We were there yesterday when I missed my reminder of the blog anniversary, frantically trying to squeeze as much in as possible before we had to grab a cab over to the airport. Despite our pleas for a tornado or pre-departure jet engine failure, we lifted off right on schedule yesterday, back home this morning :-(

March 17, 2010

In 2010, this blog had gotten out of the Terrible Twos, and the Treacherous Threes, plus I had again realized it was an anniversary and/or birthday, depending on your perspective. Posts had been all over the map, and I think this was the beginning of a shift towards more entertainment writing. I was still able to link to my monthly humour column, but I'm pretty sure that by now my weekly newspaper humour column had finished, and all those links will now be broken.

March 17, 2011

My laziest post ever - no, that's wrong. I did once post a single word which got a lot  of responses - go figure. If only my entire career had that kind of luck!!

March 17, 2012

2012, a reflection again of my anniversary, and the landmark change that would ultimately keep me out of the looney bin - switched from years of anguish on a Windows Vista OS, to a MAC!!!!! Ironic, as I picked up a MacLife magazine on the flight home yesterday. I felt so good to make this move, and literally helped me keep what little sanity I had left...

March 17, 2013

By 2013, I realized this anniversary was an excellent way to avoid having to post. So, my apologies, these links are a little dull. A couple of days before or after, I referred to the 11's (11, 1:11. 11:11) that prevail throughout our life. I eventually had an epiphany one sleepless night, which I have yet to word towards - but I'm pretty sure I have connected dots with that 11 phenomenon that was particularly strong on this trip.

March 17, 2014

Yeah, by this time, it is apparent I know every year aside from this one that I have a blog anniversary. But I do refer to a bit more than I did back in 2013, so you have that. Massive changes as there is more entertainment writing, including my Calgary Herald pieces online.

March 17, 2015

We've come to the latest anniversary post - another grumbling about technology, even against my beloved Mac products - well, it is technology after all :-)

Here's to another 9 years!!!!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

iPad Limitations

Well, made the wrong choice with travelling internet access. While the iPad has some benefits, it is really limited in others. I've even got some odd thing going on between my Bluetooth keyboard and the device, with a delay as I type this out.

I knew we'd be a little off of the digital radar this trip without paying for data roaming, but I see there have been other limitations as well - nothing earthshaking, just frustrating for someone that does so much online at any given time.

C'est la vie - almost over.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Limited Access To Internet, Even Fred Flintsone Had More Online Access

Always a challenge when you are frugal/cheap/reluctant to line the pockets of cell carriers when you are travelling. Without data roaming, I feel like I'm Amish at the dawn of mankind, waiting for sticks to be discovered to help me dig out a turnip for lunch.

I do have in-room wi-fi of course, but considering where we are right now, "in-room" is as relevant as  wondering if Ariana Grande is going to have a hit off of her new CD.

Oh well, all good things come to an end, our excursion ends soon, and I'll be wired once again.

Till then, humble apologies to all for being off the virtual radar...


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Giving Ourselves Away

Well, we had tried to stay under the radar being away for a few days, but after trying to get a reaction from our hotel on social media, it is now obvious we are not at home.

Thankfully, our alarm system is - so if you are so inclined, please feel free to have a hasty meeting with law enforcement by setting that off.

Still hoping to sort out issues here, but I suspect we will have little luck. So much for loyalty....


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hat Fitz & Cara, Tim Williams Bring Blues Of The World To Calgary Folk Club

Calgary Folk Club
Hat Fitz & Cara Robinson
Tim Williams

Every club, you think it can't get any better than the one you've just enjoyed. Every club, it does get better - what a night last night with Hat Fitz & Cara Robinson, and Tim Williams.

My review is live now in my Calgary Herald blog, which also links to audio and video podcasts with the artists. 



Friday, March 13, 2015

Rabbits & Birds

The iPhone photo above likely indicates I need a new smartphone, with respect to the quality.

Other than that, I discovered in The Fragrant Gardens outside my day job window why the rabbit population is so profuse there.

Actually, I also discovered that male rabbits may be far more patient that human males, but no less respectful of female rabbits.

This guy awaits patiently for a few moments, before "assuming the position", and getting either accepted or rejected by his lady friend. Nature and primal urges in action. 

Earlier, they had been boxing to discourage his amorous ways, and this male was no match for his preferred partner.

Hence the patience.

Today, I emptied out another household vent where birds had gone inside to build a nest. Unfortunately, this time it was not in the stove vent, it was in the DRYER vent, a major fire hazard. 

Hoping that I have removed as much as I can, I have now installed a vent cover that will prevent this from happening again. Damn the strata rules, I didn't see them up on a ladder this morning.

Waiting for a new review to load, you get the Animal Update instead.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

All The King's Horses

That is a very futile search, trying to find information online about Stephen King's horses.

I'm starting to think he may not even have any horses.

I've been on a wild horse chase...


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hat Fitz & Cara, with Tim Williams Friday Night at The Calgary Folk Club

Hat Fitz & Cara
Tim Williams 

Calgary Folk Club

Friday, March 13

Still waiting for the companion feature to run in my Calgary Herald blog, but as both podcast interviews are already loaded, here's a sneak peek at the two blues act that are surely to raise the roof over at the Calgary Folk Club this Friday night.

The gracious Hat Fitz & Cara answered my Skype call bright and early for a clothed reenactment of John & Yoko's bed-in Q & A session. That video interview (which is rapidly gaining viewers online) is available for viewing on my YouTube Channel.

Calgary-based bluesman Tim Williams is a multi-award-winning living history of the blues. Pulling influences from around the world for his sound, I'm sure the stories he will share are going to be as amazing as the music he plays.

Listen to the audio interview from my podcast site, or download it for free from iTunes (ThatDanGuy's Podcast)


Breaking - the feature article is now live in my Calgary Herald blog

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Monumental Waste Of Time...

Just tried using "BlogPress Lite", an app that clearly needs to be pushed off a cliff with a group of lemmings.

It used to work well on mobile devices, but now it's as useful as a hemmorhoid. And less pleasant to work around...


Sunday, March 08, 2015

Montreal Guitar Trio Dazzles With Da Strings!

Bragg Creek Performing Arts

MG3 (Montreal Guitar Trio)
with Sandvoss, Root & Jeffery

Astounding - absolutely astounding. That's all I can say, before I steer you over to my Calgary Herald blog review.

More pictures:

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Pinocchio Story Re-Imagined

by Michael Maclean
starring Neil James
Birnton Theatricals

This review has just gone live in my Calgary herald blog. 

An amazing show, with an actor that doesn't miss a beat in his performance. 

Well, worth seeing, but you only have two more chances!!



Friday, March 06, 2015

Friday, oh Friday...

Friday, that most venerable day of the week, where traditionally a normal work week ends, and the weekend temptingly beckons you over with a cold beer and a cigarette dangling dangerously from one corner of its mouth.

Well, Friday - here I come. I'm yours!!


Thursday, March 05, 2015

The Steven Truscott Story, and MG3 (Montreal Guitar Trio)

It's a twofer-one today, folks!

Here's my review of "Steven: The Steven Truscott Story", over at Workshop Theatre. Especially riveting for Canadians, and even more timely now that our (I hope to all thing holy, soon to be departing) faltering Prime Minister is introducing life sentences without any chance for parole. This story traces the story of a young man wrongfully convicted, sentenced to death, and his fight for over 40 years to clear his name. An amazing glance into corruption and the human spirit's ability to overcome incredible odds.

Here's my preview and interview with MG3 member Marc Morin. For 17 years, the three friends from Montreal have been touring the world, re-inventing the art of classical guitar, and the sounds you might expect from an ensemble in the process. Along the way, they have collaborated with artists such as The California Guitar Trio, and given the late Victor Borge a run for his money, combining humour with exceptional musical skills to delight audiences!



Tuesday, March 03, 2015

An Aberration For Sure,But A Good Aberration...

I'm not exactly sure why, but last week I had a sudden jump in page views, and it wasn't for any one specific post, oddly enough.

That said, it was like a 1000% leap - so whatever reason it might have chosen to happen, I'd sure like to see if I could duplicate that :-)

Well, I will continue to muddle around in the dark, and perchance I will recreate those right perfect blog post conditions again...


Monday, March 02, 2015

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend, and occasionally weekday guest blogger Charlie Chicken...)

March, an iz snowin' like tha Dickins out there - BLECH!!


Ah'm gonna make this piktchur a work a Art, cause he took tha piktchur.

Ah'm gonna call it "Chicken Reflecting, Through Window".

Now, that'll be $500.00, fer lookin' at it.




This right, yew reprobait - pay up, or I'll have Luigi stop by an re-aarange yer knees...

Ah'm an arteest!!!


Well, at least that's mah solushun fer dealin' with thiss GODDAM RELENTLESS SNOW!!!



Fer cluck's sake - wut is thiss, Sighbearia???

Cluck fer now - I gotta shovel a path to go git sum cigarettes...

Sunday, March 01, 2015

How did I forget to attach this preview of The Steven Truscott Story??

What the heck - must be my embarrassment of riches - I'm so busy with requests and attendances I completely forgot to post a link to:

My preview, and cast and creatives interview for Louis B. Hobson's "Steven, The Steven Truscott Story".

I think that link pretty much leads you to everything you need to know about this dark chapter in Canada's legal system, so I'll just leave it with that.

Enjoy! Better, yet - get your tickets! Most nights have already sold out due to high demand...
