Thursday, January 17, 2019

Photo courtesy Son Of Town Hall
My audio podcast interview with Son Of Town Hall

Had an absolute blast chatting up the gentlemen from Son Of Town Hall, my first ever live three-way. Interview.

While one was in the U.S. (presumably his home in Texas, the other was in London, while I anguished over the magic of the technology that is Google Hangouts. All went well, and the accompanying interivew can be found here:

David Berkeley and Ben Parker are a captivating blend of showmanship and craftsmanship, featuring sharp songwriting skills and harmonies that only enhance each other's outstanding vocal abilities. Their senses of humour are also razor sharp...

Give the episode a listen, either from that link, or DL it for free from iTunes, ThatDanGuy's Podcast!

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

My conversation with Troy Kokol of Calgary Songsmiths

Logo courtesy of Calgary Songsmiths
I've been pretty remiss for some time now with this site, after getting a little lost in where my writing career was going to.

I'm going to try and get better with where I used to be in this space, moving forward.

To kick things off, check out my conversation with singer and songwriter Troy Kokol, a principal with Calgary Songsmiths (visit their Facebook group page to get all the details), and learn about this amazing resource for songwriters here in Calgary!

Troy Kokol of Calgary Songsmiths