INSTAGRAM: danst.yves
OK friends and folks - I have overcome 4 or 5 years of hesitation, and have decided to forge ahead with an Instagram presence - mercy on us all..
I just took a few minutes to connect with a few familiar faces after getting past the endless parade of Kardashians and Jenners. I'll do more of that as I track you all down.
If you're on Instagram, and you'd like me to follow your site, I will happily do so. I will even have pictures posted soon, as I hope this will be one more place that I can bring awareness to the amazing acts that I get to connect with, see live, and review - so expect a LOT of live music pics!
Go ahead, don't be shy.
Don't make me have to connect with JLo or Miley, for the love of everything sacred!!!!
Be gentle, but don't be afraid! I'm honestly far more clueless than I look...
After years of often daily attempts at humour and virtually any stray thought I could snare on my keyboard, I'm changing the name of this space from Such Is Life, to May I Present:. That should still allow me to post on a wide variety of topics, but steer the focus for readers to my most common writing efforts now, on Folk, Roots, Blues & Americana music! Check out my entertainment writing site @
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Stage West Calgary "Suite Surrender"
Stage West Calgary
"Suite Surrender"
Directed by J. Sean Elliott
Starring Kevin Hare, Chantal Perron, and Elizabeth Stepkowski Tarhan
Courtesy Stage West Calgary |
Michael McKeever is a prolific fellow - his website indicates some 39 plays ranging from comedies to dramas to shorts. Unless I’m seriously mistaken, my first McKeever play was last night, Stage West Calgary’s "Suite Surrender".
That is one of his comedies, and a farce at that. Having nothing else to gauge against, I’d be curious to see even more of his work. After a bit of a slow start, the cast of zany characters and the absurd plot explode into outright hilarity, moving briskly towards a conclusion that first allows for most every actor to have their own moment in the spotlight. Some more than others, admittedly.
It is the strong cast of characters and the sure hand of director J. Sean Elliott that makes this such an enjoyable outing. While I do have to hold back as usual for my official Calgary Herald review, I can say that Elliott has outdone himself with this play, his direction, and the casting - a stellar collection of actors you’ve seen before on this stage, and a few you may have not.
Courtesy Stage West Calgary |
Kevin Hare is one of the returnees, and as General Manager of the Palm Beach Royale Hotel, spends more time juggling than managing - given that this is set in 1942, it would be apt to suggest that he’s juggling potential hand grenades while the assorted branches of the actual military are downstairs creating havoc of their own.
Elizabeth Stepkowski Tarhan and Chantal Perron return as well, as the two potential hand grenades that spur the plot along as rival divas and apparent mortal enemies erroneously assigned to the same presidential suite.
Natascha Girgis returns to Stage West this time out as the scene-stealing gossip columnist Dora del Rio, who encounters more than her fair share of the slamming doors of this farce - the after-effects being some of the strongest comedic moments of the evening.
I’m just touching on a few highlights here (again, saving morsels for my other review!), but the combined efforts of this strong cast smooth over any rough edges in the proceedings, and wring out the most from what lines they have to share with their fellow actors.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one other star though, a canine actor very well-behaved given the goings-on, but omitted in the playbill. Must not be a member of the union, Mr. Boodles?
Great fun, and if you’re not all that familiar with the farce style of comedy, a great introduction!
4 out of 5 stars.
I’ll link back when the official review runs!
Friday, February 19, 2016
New Humour Column, and Getting Back To The Blog
Since I made the decision to let go the daily posting quite a few months ago, I have REALLY neglected this space.
That is going to change. I think I have FINALLY found a cohesive theme for my other projects, so I can start linking at least, to those.
For today, here's a link to my latest real estate humour column:
Finding The Perfect Listing.
Since I made the decision to let go the daily posting quite a few months ago, I have REALLY neglected this space.
That is going to change. I think I have FINALLY found a cohesive theme for my other projects, so I can start linking at least, to those.
For today, here's a link to my latest real estate humour column:
Finding The Perfect Listing.