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Thursday, September 16, 2010

You Know You’re Getting Old When…

Well, it’s official – I’m now older than dirt, and just as musty.

I received an e-mail a day or two ago, announcing ticket pre-sales for an upcoming concert in Calgary. However, glancing at the names, I was completely mystified – not only had I never heard of any of these bands, I was sure that it was just a late April Fool’s Day prank.

First off, Dimmu Borgir. Glancing at their promotional photo, I’d hazard a guess that they’re a metal band. The name suggests they are maybe a somewhat dim drill bit. Or, a Dim Sum entrée.

Along with Borgir on the bill – Gwar (seriously, I couldn’t even begin to make this stuff up…), whose own promotional pic makes KISS look like a 1912 barbershop quartet. I’m not sure if they are actually dressed up as dinosaurs and escapees from a cantina scene in Star Wars, or someone messed up when submitting the band’s photo. What I do know is that I wouldn’t bring raw meat along to the show, just to be on the safe side…

Ah, getting older… There was a time when Queen and Ozzy seemed so risqué…

I’d better calm my nerves with some Manilow.

Chow for now!!


Mrs That Dan Guy said...

Dimmu? Well Dim U Too! Ya, getting old sucks ha Mister?

ThatDanGuy said...

Speak for yourself, Grandma...

Forever young here....

argyca said...

Madonna and no Justin Bieber always scared the shit out of me.

Moreso for their lack of talent than anything.

ThatDanGuy said...

Hee Hee - they'd make a lovely couple!